Personal Narrative: My Conception Of Urban Schools

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Upon becoming a teacher, I would have never thought of all the possible conceptual changes I would experience. I am continuously noticing my perspective of things being changed, but thus far I have noticed one big conceptual change I have made. This would be my conception of urban schools. My misconception consisted of my thinking that all urban schools were “bad” schools, but by the end of this paper I will prove that my conception of urban vs. rural schools has drastically changed. I will do this by proving research over urban schools and my research I found within the work I have done in my EDTL 2010 class. I also state that I had a small conceptual change regarding the segregation I saw in my field placement which took place in the Toledo …show more content…

I got to go to the career technical school for a whole day. This career technical school is located in an urban area. The school is placed in this urban area and a lot of the staff, teachers and even students will tell you that it is not only helping out the students upon graduation, but it is helping the community too. I had this conception that all urban schools were “bad” before going to the Apollo Career Center, but when I walked out I had realized I formed a misconception of the urban schools. In my reflection about Apollo Career Center I wrote, “I believe that going to the Apollo Career Center really opened my eyes to the perspective that not all urban schools are bad and I think that I can use this information to relate it to my field placement that it is not bad either” (Branan, 2018c, p.1). Apollo Career Centers main goal is to get these students a trade skill so they can go out into the work force upon graduation and have a career. This helps the community because it is giving them people to work so the unemployment rate goes up. I talked about this previously where I interviewed one of the staff members, Doug Bodey, who works at the career technical school. I do think that although I had the conception that all urban schools were “bad” schools, Apollo Career Center showed me that behind the scenes these urban schools are doing everything in their powers to help these students not only in the classrooms now, but also upon graduation! Now that I have provided you with the information that goes to show how my conception is changed I want to tell you more about what my new conception of urban schools consists