
Personal Narrative: My Confirmation In The Catholic Church

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Confirmation in the Catholic church is the point at which a baptized Catholic fulfils their baptismal promises. I had chosen my cousin Tyler to be my confirmation sponsor because he was a good example of a person living the Catholic faith, and I wanted him to represent me in such a big step in my life. Throughout the day I had many problems because God tested me on the day of my confirmation. On the morning of my confirmation I was woken up by my dog Shadow. My parents had let him into the house and he started jumping on top of me. I would have been fine with it if it was my other dog Buddy, who weighs only ten pounds. Shadow, on the other hand, weighs one hundred and twenty pounds. It turned out that it was a good thing that he woke me up because a minute after I had gotten ready some of my family members started showing up. When everyone got there, we sat down at the table and had pizza. As I …show more content…

The bishop came over to where we were standing and started talking to us. I enjoyed talking to him because he wasn’t focused on the confirmation. He wanted to talk about normal stuff, such as football. He mentioned that I shouldn’t be nervous about getting confirmed. I should be looking forward to the completeness I would have afterwards. He did not know that I wasn’t very scared about getting confirmed. I was scared about getting called up and having to answer questions in front of everyone in the church. I had studied all of the things that he could possibly ask. My biggest problem was that I do not like to talk in front of large audiences and I usually end up not knowing what to say. I am glad to say that he did not call me up. After the mass we had a big supper in the school. During the meal I talked to the bishop, and he said that wanted to call me up. Luckily for me he had found someone else who he wanted to “pick on.” Jason and Jared’s sister works with the bishop and she had asked him to call on

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