Personal Narrative: My Days As A Kindergartner

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I think back not so often about my days as a kindergartner. A little 6-year old at prairie elementary, a shy guy with a few friends. I can remember bits and pieces, working with different teachers, nap times, snack times, working on projects, my horrible handwriting, etc. I also remember playing out on the playground, those were the days. Being this was my first year at Prairie, I was shocked at how big the playground was. It was enormous for one of the first schools I’ve been to. It was divided into two parts, the part our grade played in was for kindergartners- 2nd grade, the other part was for 3rd and 4th graders. There was ample room to run around in and play games, as well as a big playground. The playground was huge, with many things …show more content…

I can vividly remember one experience, when I was playing with my friend Brandon outside. The loud old sad school bell rang which signaled to the kids that it was time to go back inside. Brandon, who was a shy kid like me, didn’t want us to go inside. He wanted me to “hide out” with him so no one could see us and we would just hang outside. He really wanted to hide under one of the slides in particular. I couldn’t find a way to stay outside. He said “Hey Mitch, let’s stay outside, no one will see us!” I sadfully told him “I’m sorry, we have to go inside, I don’t want people searching for us!” He just didn’t understand the consequences of hiding out and not going inside. “Please, please, please” he pleaded. “I’m really sorry” I said as I ran inside. I believe he eventually came inside too. My heart sank. I couldn’t imagine the staff telling my parents they couldn’t find me, it was horrible just thinking about it. I told my friend I wouldn’t do it and ran inside. Now, this wasn’t a deal breaker, we stayed friends up until the end of the school year when I had to transfer schools. This experience affected me in many ways. It’s almost like it sprouted a little leaf in me that has grown and grown each time I’ve used it. I’ve learned other values from this experience such as character and my moral