Personal Narrative: Noel Aikman

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Beginnings: My full name is Rachel(Rae) Noel Aikman. I am still 12 and I will be for a while because I was born on August 22, 2004. I have always lived in Eureka, but I was born in Peoria. I have a mother(Deanna), a father(Joe), two brothers (Nathaniel is 14 and Jason is 10), and a three year old dog, named Casey, who is a girl. When I was first born I lived on Dennis Dr. in the Eureka Lake Subdivision until my fourth grade year. My parents bought the big area of land across from Eureka Lake that was owned by Dick Boehner( I am not sure how to spell it) and planned to build on it. The city wouldn’t let them just by part of it so they bought the whole piece of land and called it Aikman Acres. They divided it up into lots finally sold …show more content…

We stayed there until the spring of fifth grade. Know I live in my still incomplete house on Glen Dr. Looking back to my childhood (well I still am a child), some good memories are with my mother in the spring sitting on our porch drinking coffee. Yes, I have drank coffee since I could sing, because my mom made us sing for a sip of coffee. We would also watch the storms come in on our porch because my mom has always loved storms and it is something that I enjoy with her. A bitter-sweet story of my childhood was in half day kindergarten we had a meeting with our parents and the teacher at the end of the year and the first two kids to get to her classroom got a fish. I was the first and I got fish and its name was Snowflake. I died about two weeks later so me and my mom went to Walmart and bought a new one. It was orange so I named it Peaches and it died in less than two weeks. I never got another fish …show more content…

We were best friends since first grade, or at least I was her best friend when she wanted me to be. I was always friends with her, but she would dump me in an instant for someone better as she always said, “you’re my bestie.” Every time I heard her say that last year I would go home and cry my eyes out of my mom. She signed up to do dodgeball with me and when I went to do it she didn’t want to anymore and left me. Finally I couldn’t take it any more so I sat at a different table at lunch and she TOLD me, not asked me, to come sit back with her. When I said that I could sit where I wanted she was so ticked at me. At the end of sixth grade she had a sleepover with a couple other friends. I told my mom I didn’t want to go because I couldn’t take anymore of it so I didn’t go. Her mom picked up that something going wrong between us and texted my mom about it. I cried and cried and cried. And she apologized and said she “didn’t realize” she was hurting me. We are definitely not close friends at all, but we don’t ignore each other and we talk at church, but it will never be the way it was and frankly I am glad that this “obstacle” happened. It was a big page turner and I like to think of it as a blessing in disguise. If this is how my ”best friend” acts then I don’t want to build a close friendship with her. I moved on and found a group of amazing girls that super nice and kind. Some people strive