Personal Narrative: Ricky Savage

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Well, It all started in 1982. July 18th, 1982 to be exactly. Born with the father Ricky Savage and mother- Crissy Savage My childhood was something I call PERFECT! The money, toys, all the electronic 's that I could have had back then. Up too about 2002 everything was perfect. School was just great. I had all the friend 's I could have, great grades, no enemys. Just perfect. It was in August of 2002 that my parents had a fight. I got a police playset for my good test score. I accidently took my dads phone, and broke it as him NOT paying a ticket that I wrote out to him for not picking up his underwear for his shower. He acused my mother for it, and they got into a huge fight. As I grew up in Liberty City, I ran off and got onto a bus that