Personal Narrative: My Father's Death

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The time I had I different experiences is when my dad disappeared out of my life in 2010. My Dad said he was going on a business trip and won't come back till the end of October and he won't be able to take me to school. It was all in a voicemail, and no "I love you" at the end of the voicemail. Tears running to face because he was leaving for a while and I didn't get to say goodbye. I enjoyed when my dad would take to school, every Thursday and making a stop to get Shipley's Donuts. I felt so cool always having donuts while everyone else had the disgusting cafeteria breakfast food. When my mom picked me up from school she told me, my dad called and left a voicemail, and he said he would call when he got back. Days went by no call, I tried …show more content…

She told me she had tried, and couldn't get reach of him. Something didn't seem right, it been passed the days when he should have come back, and received no phone calls. It passed a month from hearing nothing from my dad, and I called Daniella to check up on her, all I get is her crying not understanding why my dad did disappear and if he's alive or dead. A year has gone by guess who gets yelled out or everything being blamed on, ME! Yep everyone on my dad side of the family just wants me to bring the peace, and deal with my sister. We have differences I really chilled, likes to avoid conflict, I don't want trouble with anyone. Another hand Daniella wants everyone to fill badly for her, and pity her, and I don't tolerate pettiness I believe it's wrong, she takes advantage of things that can get her attention. I don't want to know as the poor who left his three daughters with the three single women who has to take care of …show more content…

I got used to not having my dad or getting calls from him. On the other hand my sister still gets upset, about the topic, and gets upset when I ever I didn't call her. I got back to my life I was about to graduate from Middle School I had High School on my mind, that was a new transition for me. I was involved in church doing volunteering and leadership classes. I wasn't going to let anything hold me back from doing want I wanted to do. Daniella always liked to stay in the past, she never wanted to be in the present. To her, she felt like her home wasn't easy, her mom was remarried, she has a little sister named Taylor, and she didn't appreciate what she had. For me, it was just my mom and I and I was grateful for what we had. We didn't live in a big house or anything fancy, just an apartment that was a good size for my mom and