Personal Narrative: My Father's Funeral

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When somebody close to you dies, you 'll probably hear someone say he/she won 't be forgotten. The first time I went to a funeral, I heard this so many times I started to think that it was just something people say at funerals and not mean it. As I got older I started to think back on that saying and realized that people say it because they what the person it the casket to get up and say hey, and not by dead. They need something to remember them, they need something that they can hold and think about that person. Most military vets carry their dog tags everywhere 24/7. The same was true for my grandfather about his dog tags. After he died, my family put his tags on his flag and we keep them next to a picture of him when he joined the military. Every time I walk past …show more content…

The last memory I have of him was at his nursing home. I said hi to him and about a minute later after not responding to me he asked me who I was. I told him that I was his grandkid and he looked at my grandma and asked her where my dad was. He was standing next to me but my grandpa didn 't know who he was either. I think the hardest part of him dying was that he died not knowing who we were, why there were so many people always trying to get him to remember things, wondering why he couldn 't remember yesterday. I always thought that it was kind of funny that we remembered him with dog tags that he probably didn 't know he had and a flag that was once laid on his coffin and that was handed to my crying grandma from the military men who folded the flag. When I think about his life, I think how lucky he was. He didn 't have to go to Korea, instead, he got married, had kids, opened a store and taught guys just joining the military about the military. He did so much is his lifetime and yet the last ten years of his life that was all forgotten, all the stories, the moments, the memories all gone. I hope that later in my life I can still look at his tags and remember the stories, moments and the memories