The Importance Of Arlington National Cemetery

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Two years ago, Arlington National Cemetery, one of the nation’s oldest cemeteries, celebrated its sesquicentennial anniversary of substantial historical and moral significance. Founded after the American Civil War, the cemetery has been home to many of our fallen heroes, particularly those who have died during conflicts with American involvement and people of considerable national significance, such as presidents. The cemetery is one of extensive size and holds many monuments to memorialize the fallen. Arlington National Cemetery, a symbol of American patriotism, is the location of final rest for those who died during or after their call to arms or have achieved great importance in our nation; the cemetery’s historical, moral, and national …show more content…

Located on the Potomac River, directly across Washington, DC, the cemetery occupies 612 acres in northeastern Virginia. The title of the nation’s second largest cemetery is held by Arlington National Cemetery, with 260,000 people there resting peacefully. Over four million people visit each year to pay their respects or to mourn the fallen. Approximately 100 funerals are performed each week. Arlington National Cemetery has developed into a large, popular American landmark that many people …show more content…

Being a service person is considered to be one of the greatest things to be in America. Our nation takes pride and joy in those called to arms. Those who defend our country are considered to be selfless heroes because not everyone will risk and even sacrifice their lives for the country. Therefore, the Arlington National Cemetery is committed to honoring those who have sacrificed their lives to get and maintain our liberty because that is the least of what they deserve. Arlington National Cemetery is a physical representation of our nation’s