
Personal Narrative: My First Trip To Hawaii

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My second trip to Hawaii was the first time I fully experience it. My first trip to Hawaii was at the age of seven. The memory of it is cloudy though. Perhaps because it wasn't something memorable, or simply because of my young mind. In a way, the second time to Hawaii was my first. Especially since it was a new island. This time though I would experience it with more appreciation. If I were to make the most out of this trip, I would have to explore new things. The excitement that brewed in me was enough to fill a coffee cup. Maybe more than I should hold something up to.
From the moment of landing, I could feel it was different. The feeling of euphoria when we landed at the airport of Kona, Hawaii. The dark, dry lava was visible throughout the island. The color of the ground was charcoal black with hints of orange form rusted metals. Lava rocks were ragged and sharp enough to kill a man if he fell on them as my mom mentioned. The water was crystal blue. Clashing against the rocks in the coast. When we got there it was raining with half of the island with rain, while the other half had sunshine. One half green fertile land with nutrients from the rich lava. The other half dry and desolate. Over the course of my stay there, I would experience both. …show more content…

We had a panoramic view of the coast and the sunset. "I could get use to this" I told myself. The journey of exploring the island fully wouldn't be for a few days. I had a week there to relax. My brother and I spent our swimming in the pool leisurely. As a family, we took strolls as a family for no particular reason. We drank and ate food from the local plaza. We took pictures of the anomalies rock formations like we had conquered the. To summarize, we ate, we saw, we conquered. The next couple of days, we did much of the same thing. Basking in the glory of the sun. Soon there after getting a sunburn on my nose. I would peel for the next couple days.

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