
Personal Narrative: My Geometry Test

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There it was staring at me, so many numbers, equations, graphs, lines, my brain couldn't handle it and I haven't even attempted the first question yet. “ Time's up! Pencils down and bring your tests forward.” My teacher said. As i handed my teacher the test my stomach dropped not knowing if I bombed it or even I passes it. He called me up to see my test grade and I got a …… It’s 6 o'clock, my alarm goes off and I haven't even rolled out of my bed yet and my cumulative geometry test is already on my mind. I brush my teeth, wash my face, eat breakfast and bolt out of the door on my way to school. I left earlier than usual just to try and get about 20-30 minutes of studying in before I start off my day. Not even studying the night before for the probably the hardest test of my life was the biggest mistake anyone could ever make. I didn’t study the night before because I had a basketball game and I just assumed it would easier than I thought. Then all my friend who had previously taken the test before told me it was the hardest test of the year I started to panic frantically before i went to go to bed and i barely got enough sleep. …show more content…

5th period ends and I’m off to take my geometry test. I get there, sit down, and pray that we don't have to take the test today, But that didn't work. I get my test and work on it to the very end of the bell ( last one done also ). I walked out knowing I missed every single question on that test. I leave my class the teacher tells us he’ll have the test grades for us tomorrow. Not what I wanted to hear at all. All night long I was pondering about the test and what I could've done better. I tried to remember some of the problems and re work them out on a piece of paper at home just to make sure I did the problems correctly because I didn't want to lose any more points than I knew I already

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