Personal Narrative: My Jungian Typology

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My Jungian typology was ISFJ- introverted, sensing, feeling, judging. Just as my typology suggests I am a defender of what I feel is right. I am definitely working in the right profession. I have a need to help people. My superiors in my profession will say the same to anyone. This did not come as a surprise to me. As I read more about this typology I felt as though I had found my identity all over again. I had taken this specific assessment pretty personal. Just reading how my type of typology was characterized had practically brought me to tears. My typology influences everything in my life including all that I had chosen to do. I just keep reading and researching more with the hope to build and improve whatever I can. At one of my annual employment evaluations my superiors had …show more content…

I calendar my work, create reminders, and sometimes start a list the day before just to ensure I never miss a thing although not all days are perfect. I didn’t share my results with anyone however a few of my colleagues have taken the personality test (Junigan typology assessment) as well. What I learned about myself first, is that I have room for improvement. I don’t have to so precise although this is my very first class in quite some time. I take a lot of time to do simple things from taking notes to creating rough drafts for all of my homework assignments. Second, I do need time to think and sort my thoughts without this my way of expressing my thoughts or ideas can become convoluted. I take time to make sure that all my work will be understood by all who read it even though I a big fan of vocabulary. Third, I also have to take the time to read and review all of the work from each course. I will continue to do all of this as I further my education. I want to ensure that I understand and will retain all that I have learned so that I can use it in my profession and quite possibly my personal