Personal Narrative: My Legacy

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My Legacy By Drew Gawlas I wish to leave a personal legacy to my children, one that will live on in their hearts. I do not want to leave behind something with no purpose or meaning, like a meaningless item of mine. Rather, I want to teach my children important values. Of all the wonderful things my parents have ever given me, the greatest gifts were the pieces of moral guidance that shaped me into the person I am today. The legacy I will leave for my children will be the values I teach them throughout their childhoods: compassion, hard work, and confidence. I whole-heartedly believe in treating others the way I want to be treated. That particular phrasing may sound cliche to some, but I believe it perfectly illustrates why being nice to others is so vital. When I was in grade school, and someone would make fun of me, I was offended by their insult, but I always …show more content…

I would feel confused, since I could not think of a reason I would make fun of someone else. I would like for my children to fully understand just how rewarding and important it can be to simply show compassion towards other people. Hard work is easily one of the most important values one could have. Working hard plays a key factor in accomplishing any goal. However, working does not simply mean fulfilling the tasks one 's parents or school assign. Good workers understand and utilize effort and perseverance to achieve their goals. It takes not only willingness, but full effort to jump over difficult hurdles. In addition, perseverance is key whenever failure reoccurs. A hard worker does not give up on a goal, and tries out a myriad of