Personal Narrative: My New Elementary School

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Terrified. The only emotion that I felt as I walked into my third new elementary school as I started my third grade year. My parents moved me to Greenfield after one and a half years of J.B. Watkins, and one and a half years at Kyrene de la Paloma before that. On the first day of school, I walked in and saw Mrs. Richardson’s bright smiling face as she welcomed me and all of my new classmates into her classroom. A large section for all of our desks took up half of the classroom and on the other half of the classroom, our backpack hooks, lunchbox cubies, and a large rug where we would sit and read. Mrs. Richardson’s classroom was the largest classroom in the school and little did I know, but that she would have the largest impact on me than any of my other teachers that I would ever have. When I was in elementary school, I would read at least two or three hours each day. My favorite book was Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that type by Doreen Cronin, I would sit and read this book everyday, I had even memorized up to page seven. In this book there are these Cows that have a typewriter and want to get electric blankets from the farmer, Farmer Brown was not happy about the cows learning how to type so in the end he takes the typewriter away and gives the cows the electric blankets. Similar to the Cows in this story, …show more content…

Richardson stopped me and asked to see me for a quick second before I went to the bus. I was already very embarrassed and was holding tears back in my eyes because I was so embarrassed. She asked if I had ever gone to speech therapy or was ever planning on going, because of my lisp. I said that I never had a problem with it before and left to get on my bus. That moment was when I realized that reading, not just aloud to others, but also pleasure reading was not a fun activity for me anymore, it was only something that school forces on you and makes you dislike reading to an