Personal Narrative: My Next Year At Embry-Riddle

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Next year at Embry-Riddle I plan start studying Cyber Intelligence and Security. Ever since middle school I knew I had a developing interest in the field of computer science and spent most of my time building the skills to excel in my classes. One of the first projects I got to use the computer on was a video for the Oregon Trail. I decided that it would be best to design an advertisement to showcase the facts in a new and creative way. When my group turned the project in, and it was shown to the class my teacher rewrote the assignment according to what we did and used it as an example of great work when recruiting new people. As proud as I was in this project I knew I couldn’t stop there and continued to seek out opportunities to better myself and the environment around me. Some of the favorite things I have done include attending a cyber forensics seminar and obtaining an award in a coding event for best educational game. The reason I choose Embry-Riddle as opposed to …show more content…

In past years I have taken web design, intro to java programming, and game design. At first I was planning to take an easier set of classes for my senior year but I looked at the classes from Embry-Riddle and decided to challenge myself. One of the other AP classes I ended up in was government politics. In this class there is a lot of overlapping issues with government and cyber forensics. Examples of these include the Apple vs. FBI case and the Hillary Clinton email sever scandal. Both of these stories covered by the news are only touching the surface of what is to come, the court interpretation of the 4th amendment search and seizure in criminal cases has the potential to redefine the unstated but implied right to privacy. I would like to be a part of this expanding debate and help protect the privacy of others while also taking down those who represent a clear and present danger to