If a person experiences the atmosphere of a United States Men's National soccer game, it is a time one will never forget. The energy outside and inside the stadium is fantastic. Fans are chanting, laughing, and just having a great time. To fully take in the excitement and joy of the game one must see it all, from driving into the parking, entering the stadium, and leaving the game celebrating. The night of the USA vs. Mexico game at Crew Stadium in Columbus, was an unforgettable night. When I came home from school my dad asked me if I was ready to watch the game tonight? I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. He grabbed an envelope that contained two tickets, on the halfway line, halfway up the stands for the game. I ran around the house yelling and cheering as if the U.S. had already won. After I had calmed …show more content…
The anthems were played, the teams shook hands, and had their final team talk as they began the game. The energy in the stadium was unbelievable. We had to stand the entire game or we would have not been able to watch. The fans were jumping, singing, and just yelling to yell. The score was 0-0 at halftime. I was really hoping we would see a goal or two just to see how the fans would react and be able to join in the noise of the fans. The wish came true, in the second half the US scored two goals to win the match 2-0 for the fourth time in a row. When each goal was scored, the noise was almost painful. The amount of noise that the 22,000 people in attendance that night was fantastic. With the players celebrating and hearing the support from the fans, would have given them energy that they would struggle to find on an average night. The players were celebrating on the field and the fans celebrating with them, but in the stands. We stayed to watch all of the celebrating festivities from our stadium top perch for a half an hour before we headed back on the long journey to the