Personal Narrative: My Personal Ethics

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I, Cecilia Camacho, didn’t really focus on my own personal ethics. I use to think more what people would say or what to hear. In some cases, I would lie to myself or other in order to connect with the common good. I’ll do anything I was told to do just so I could be the good person. My ethics standards were to put other before myself. Although the decision wasn’t what I had in mind, not judging the degrees of rightness and wrongness. When it came to facing with responsibilities of ethics, I would use one or more excuses. I would say “I’m sorry, but it was part of my job to do it, I’m just following orders”. One 's self is responsible for any action they intend to do or what they try to do. I was responsible for all the ethics decision made by others on my own choices. I wasn’t a good moral character. My personal character was full of fear and instability that wouldn’t allow me to think for myself. I wasn’t the best example of a good person, a good person has good moral characters. What was I doing? What am I doing to myself? …show more content…

So I would be known as the good person, although deep inside, I wasn’t. For one to be a good person, they must have good moral characters, one has to be fully responsible for every decision they have many on their own. Accepting one 's self. For example some characters such as courage, temperance, wisdom, faith, justice, fairness, patience, truthful and trustworthiness. I discover that I may not make the right decision for everyone but I could, at least, make a right decision that would benefit the majority of the people and myself. At this point of my life, my personal ethics has built up to the point of knowing the degrees of rightness and wrongness. Reading through these short reading, I was able to adapt clearly the step to better my personal