Personal Narrative: My Pursuit Of Honor

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Around June 2009 when I finished High School, I had no clue as to what I wanted to pursue next in my life. College was something that I never even thought about doing. In school, I would do what I had to do to get by, and that was it. Teachers liked me because I’m a friendly guy (and not to mention I had 5 other siblings attend the same school). After graduation I decided it was time for me to start doing something productive with my life, so I decided to get a job at a Dollar Tree.

This lasted six or so months before I realized this was not what I should be doing with my life, like I had a greater calling. Shortly after I re-connected with the local Marine recruiter who would stop by our school every week, and hassle us teens to get up on the pull up bar, and crank out some pull ups. “5, 8, 10 is that it” he would say to the jocks trying to impress their girlfriends. “you’ll never make it as a Marine, especially an infantrymen.” For some reason I will never forget those words. …show more content…

November 2010, there I am standing on some yellow footprints in a place called Parris Island, South Carolina. At the time for myself and the other hundreds of recruits, this was the biggest mistake of our lives. Here we would learn the basics of being a Marine. If you had a poor upbringing, you were about to have a whole new outlook on life. You learn the fundamentals of our Corps of: Honor, Courage and Commitment. Look at those three words as you will, but for a Marine those will forever be engrained in your