Personal Narrative: My Spanish Test

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I have cheated at several points in my life, from spelling tests in first grade, to worksheets in ninth grade Physical Science. The most recent however, was on a Spanish test just this year. My uncle just died, so I haven't really been able to think of anything as being very important. One of these unimportant things on my mind was this Spanish test. I was completely unprepared and I didn't really have the will to actually make myself do it, so when I went in during second period to take my test, I had absolutely no idea what any of the answers were.

Mrs Lane gave me the white sheets and I stared glanced down. On the first page, the section after the listening part was just fill in the blank vocab words. I looked at the word bank and …show more content…

Mrs. Lane was doing oral tests in her back room with the Spanish III kids, and I was sitting right outside said room. When went in the room, I opened my book to where it explained each tense, and I filled out what I needed to fill out, my pen flying on the paper so I could be done before the kid opened the door and exposed me. When I was done with those sections, I closed my book.

Next was the culture section. I knew that without a translation of these sections in the book, I couldn't even cheat to get the answer. I left all but one on the whole page blank, trusting on my ability to retake to save me. I could completely miss all of them for now because it would buy me some time until I could read, translate and memorize all the articles and things in the book. At the top of the page, I simply wrote, "No lo sé," or "I don't know it," and I left it at …show more content…

The first listening section is composed of three vocab definitions and you have to write the word it is defining, and then you have to define a word of Mrs. Lane's choosing, all completely in Spanish. This is always the worst section for me. With Mrs. Lane still in the back, I would listen to the definition and then scour my vocab list, trying to find the corresponding word. In the second listening section, the recording of Mrs. Lane's voice asks you four questions and you have to answer them. I still used my vocab list for this, but it didn't help me as much as it did in the last section. One of the questions was asking if an accident had occurred last week. I had had an accident the week before. I rear-ended someone on my way to DMACC. The only problem was, I didn't remember how to say, "to run into," in Spanish. Now that I think about it, I know that I could have used "chocar con," but at the time, my mind was drawing a