Personal Narrative: My Trip To Angle Worm Lake

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As we pull up to the parking area at the start of the trails, I knew that our excitement during the long drive was worth it. I had planned this trip for months. Toiled over the minor details; the food, shelter, entertainment, parking pass, you name it. This was something I had wanted to do since I was just a little kid and now that I was here, it felt surreal. The sound of nature all around us, no signs of man besides our canoe and gear for as far as I could see. This was it the start of one of the best memories of my life. It all started here at Angle Worm Lake. The trip ahead of us was extremely memorable, but not without its challenges. This story isn't just about the trip but also about its construction and planning. You see I had begged my dad to take us on a trip to the boundary since I was very little. I was part of a group called royal rangers at my church, a boy scouts program of sorts. I had continuously heard stories of how great the boundary waters were from the older kids there and ever since, I had wanted to go. No, …show more content…

In my planning, I had scheduled for us to come across a water fall and rapids around half way through our trip. This was were the fun happened. The rapids here weren't particularly rough, but fast enough were it got our adrenaline going, and our blood pumping when we saw it. We then proceeded to set up camp nearby and make the short trek over to the water. When we got there, my dad set up a make shift rope swing. Now we could jump into the water around the waterfall and do back flips and other shenanigans that he taught us. Once we had our fun my friend and I had an idea. We were going to ride down the rapids on our life jackets. So, as we planned, we strapped our life jackets on, almost like a diaper, and proceeded to drift down the rapids. It was exhilarating and lucky for us it worked out as planned, and neither of us was hurt. After we had gone done a few more times we moved