Personal Narrative: My Trumpet

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Throughout my lifetime I have always had one magical moment that I always think of when I look at my favorite object. This very special object is my trumpet. Whenever I look at it, I feel the sensation of pure pride and joy. My trumpet will always hold a special place in my heart and I feel I would be deeply depressed if anything bad were to happen to it. Playing a musical piece perfect for the first time is my most sentimental memory of my trumpet.
I will never forget all that I had done to get to this moment of playing perfection. My trumpet is one thing I will never give up. Keeping good care of it is one my passions in life and hopefully, my trumpet will live on past my lifetime. I currently still play this trumpet for each of the bands …show more content…

I had started out practicing my piece like every other time. Breaking the composition into smaller pieces to practice. When my teacher thought I had the pieces down separately she asked me to put it together. I attempted the music not once, but three times. I thought I would need to keep practicing , but again if I tried again, and I got it! I had finally gotten a piece right. I did it again and, I had played it right five times in a row without a single mistake.
Every time I have looked at my trumpet I remember that moment. I am often playing it because it still is able to make magical music. The moment that I had played perfectly will always be in my heart, even if no one else will remember it. Typically, I do not share this moment with others because they always wish to hear about my first concert or if I am going to play for them. My family sees my trumpet as a tool to create music but, they do not see it as one of the best things that has ever happen to me.
I have always remembered that one moment whenever I look at my trumpet. I am always reminded of simpler, happier times. I hope that in the future, I will be able to pass it along to my child and teach them a fading art. This memory has always been a personal achievement that I do not like to share with others. A sentiment, a memory for me is playing a piece perfectly for the first time on my