Personal Narrative: Myth

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I was floating in a place which I can only describe as the abyss. It was an endless void which engulfed all life and turned them into nothigness yet here I was. I didn'i know how I died but the last thing I remember was my computer screen. I had several tabs opened about the mythological. I was a fanatic when it came to myth. Wheather it be a god , monster , or legend I knew them all. When I first arrived , I had considered this place as hell but soon threw that idea out the window.

In myths , hell and heaven or a sense of afterlife was always there. Wheather it be ancient or new everybody believed in some sort of afterlife and here I was. I believed this place to be limbo or a place where souls get trapped for eternity within the endless darkness. I don't remember how long I have been here but time seems to pass me by as if I'm not even there. The first thing I had thought of as I stayed in this place was..... …show more content…

Even as a adult , I was never this bored. There was nothing to do in this place devoid of life. Just pitch blackness engulfed this space.

"Is there anything to do?"

My body was nothing but air. I noticed this later after I arrived but I could still feel my body I just didn't have one. Now , at this point people may have started to pray to some god but I didn't believe other gods to much after staying in here for a couple of centuries. I even got so bored that I started listing my regrets.

"I regret that I was still a virgin when I died"

"I regret that I didn't clear my internet browser history"

"I regret that I hid my porn under my bed like a cliche MC from a light

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