Personal Narrative: Star Wars

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About 5 years ago in 2011, my dad and I were bored. Dad had an idea, since it was about six to seven o'clock and getting darker out we could lightsaber fight outside. We both got our favorite lightsabers. If you don’t know what a lightsaber is, it's the weapons from the series called "Star Wars." It's a laser-like sword that can make the power inside form into a sword (lightsaber) or just the hilt. They are very cool, creative weapons. My lightsaber had a blue blade with a light that emits from the handle and can go back in the handle which was silver. Also, it had a bronze/orange buttons that didn’t do anything, but it still looked cool. Dad's just flashed on to blue and flashed off to nothing but the blue was still there with a silver-gray …show more content…

Dad walked around the porch very slowly and dramatically, which I didn’t really understand at that time. I was standing there with my lightsaber in hand thinking, what is taking so long? Dad had an expression on his face that said "You're going down!" So, I gave him a look that said "Come at me!" Finally, dad was standing just a few feet away from me. We were both ready for a lightsaber fight. I turned on my lightsaber first. The blue light shining from the saber made me feel awesome. Then dad turned on his lightsaber, we did some kind of ninja-like pose that we did all the time being silly. Being silly; that’s what we're good at. We stood there for a good ten seconds just staring at each other. I took the first swing, and dad blocked it like it was an automatic reflex. That really threw me for a loop so I tried again, and just like before; blocked. So now I thought, you know what I'll just go full try-hard mode. I pulled my lightsaber away and took maybe five swings very fast so I would overwhelm dad and he'll …show more content…

He flipped out saying, "Woah, slow down a bit bub!" I just laughed and kept swinging and dads' reaction was to run, so I followed him. My lightsaber cast a blue blur on the ground and a blue blur coming out of my back. I felt like Sonic the Hedgehog or the Flash. So, my mindset was I can run really fast so I kept chasing dad until he stopped or ran out of breath. Dad stopped and looked around for me. I jumped at him and started attacking with my saber. Dad finally decided to fight back, he swung at me like his life depended on it. So, instead of dad blocking, I was blocking. Then I thought, ok enough is enough, I jumped up just enough to reach his arm I took another swing and hit dad right in the wrist. Dad pretended that I cut his hand off. He stuck his hand down his shirt sleeve and