Personal Narrative: The Civil Rights Movement

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Fact: “Over the next couple months, the peaceful demonstrations would be met with violent attacks using high-pressure fire hoses and police dogs on men, women and children alike -- producing some of the most iconic and troubling images of the Civil Rights Movement. President John F. Kennedy would later say, "The events in Birmingham... have so increased the cries for equality that no city or state or legislative body can prudently choose to ignore them." It is considered one of the major turning points in the Civil Rights Movement and the "beginning of the end" of a centuries-long struggle for freedom.”

The death of Philando Castille happened and many people had been spreading awareness. My father had told me of a peaceful protest …show more content…

It was around 6 pm and my whole family was here even my grandparents and god mother. I am eating my favorite food right now eggs, black beans and rice and plantains with sour cream. I take my last bite of food and then I ask my mom “can we have desert now”. She walks to the kitchen and grabs my favorite cake, chocolate. She lays it to on the table and we all gather around and then my family begins to sing happy birthday. I close my eyes make my wish and blow the candles. My brother takes of the candles and I immediately throw my face into the cake. I stand up and laugh. Although the cake is ruined we all don’t care and …show more content…

Segregation was the legal and social system of separating citizens on the basis of race. The system maintained the repression of black citizens in Alabama and other southern states until it was dismantled during the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s and by subsequent civil rights legislation. Segregation is usually understood as a legal system of control consisting of the denial of voting rights, the maintenance of separate schools, and other forms of separation between the races, but formal legal rules were only one part of the regime. Some historians list three other important elements contributing to the creation and reinforcement of the status quo: physical force and terror, economic intimidation, and psychological control exerted through messages of low worth and negativity transmitted socially to African