Personal Narrative: The First Co-Curricular Event

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The first Co-Curricular event I attended was the Harried Tubman Portrayal on Wednesday, October 26th from 3:00-4:00 p.m. in the Julia Ball Auditorium. Dr. Daisy Century acted out the life of Harriet Tubman. Gwynedd Mercy University has a theme of #MakeMercyReal which correlates with this event.

Dr. Century started out as a science teacher before she took on her acting career. She retired early and began acting as many historic figures but this day, she was Harriet Tubman. Through her skills of acting and knowledge of the 1800s, she taught the audience many facts about Harriet Tubman. She described Harriet’s young years and explained how she was very intelligent from a young age. Being a slave, her master feared this; he often gave her harsh