Meet the Armstrongs, Alan,35,is the father,Mercedes,34,Mother,Zach,14,Boy,Nathile,10,Girl. My family lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. My dad is a middle school graph teacher for 8th graders. Family makes 5000 for Gross Monthly, and makes 60,000 for Gross Annual.
I am a pioneer! My pioneer story isn’t your average Latter Day Saint pioneer story, as far as historical LDS stories go! I was raised by goodly parents, I was born and raised in Spokane Washington. I am the youngest of three children born to Jim and Shannon Newell. My brother James is the oldest and four years older than myself.
On the outside, Sage Foster looked like an average twenty-eight year old woman. Medium length, curled ash brown hair rested against her pale white skin. Her light brown almond shaped eyes were the best feature of her small feminine face. She married an average man, Mark Foster, who was a lawyer and provided for their family. Her suburban home, was the envy of all their neighbors, as it is furnished and decorated with perfection.
On a cold and blustery November morning, I was walking around the Newberry farm searching for the perfect pumpkin. The farm owner, Mr. Johnson was welcoming and incredibly kind to allow me to wander wherever I wanted to on his farm. While walking, suddenly, I came upon the most perfectly shaped pumpkin. It was big and round and I knew it was Mr. Johnson’s best.
You are Walter, at the end of act 2 scene 3. Willy, man, I still don’t know what to think. Willy… don’t let it be true, please… I just wanted to help my family, man. I trusted you with that money, my life. I just wanted my family to be happy, live in a big house like what those white people got, with a garden, and my son can go to any college he wants to, and even though I hate to say it, Bennie can’t be a doctor no more… all because of Willy.
October 14 7:07 am: The raindrops glisten as i walk along the road listening to my walkman. “another day another blunder” i thought to myself. when im a minute away the bus drives right by me. “oh crap” i pull out my phone to call my parents. When I get to my bus stop I like all my parents and they come pick me up but when they before they do that they yell at me like every other day when I get to school I go straight to the band room to drop off my bass clarinet.
At my high school, the Beta Club is the most elite, respected, and prestigious club. It is filled with the leaders, the doers, the hard-working, and the individuals who turn their dreams into reality. It is not for everyone, and in our ever-changing society, that is clear. Most people today do not like to rise up to the ever-growing challenge of leadership. It takes a certain kind of person to be a good leader, and the Beta Club has greatly helped me in doing so.
Listen my grandchildren, to the story of my past, the good and the bad, how your grandfather and I met, and the cruelty of the world around us. It was the date November 9, 1938. I was playing at my best friend, Rebecca’s house. Her house was a part of her father’s shop, which sold everything from shoes, to toys, to makeup, to clothes, anything you could ever imagine.
It was an early December morning. The roads were slick with a thin layer of ice. The air was crisp with a winter chill and there was a slight drizzle falling from the sky. I was riding in my dad’s truck to my grandma’s, who babysat me while my parents were at work. My little brother Kaden was also with us.
The downstairs old lady must be baking a pumpkin pie this evening. The entire apartment building smells disgustingly sweet. Knocking on her door and screaming at her to leave the building with her stupid pumpkin pie but the idea seemed to be.. too aggressive regarding the society’s standard on people’s social interactions. Looking normal and amicable to the neighbors was significant to stay undercover. I bet she used a better quality of pumpkin than that she used last year since her pumpkin pie smells extra rich this year; my mother also baked pumpkin pie every year.
The Protestant Reformation was a time period of upheaval, conflict, and most importantly change and religious change being one the most significant changes. The Reformation had a huge impact on religion and the era shaped the understanding of Heaven and Hell. Martin Luther and John Calvin were main contributors to developing and creating religious ideals during this time. They were influential because Luther and Calvin both opposed the religious the traditional views of the time. The Catholic Church was being challenged for the first time during this time and altering the beliefs of people.
Most of us do not bother to understand nor pay attention to the type of mood a specific venue can give off on you, we either like it or we don’t. Just challenging yourself to get into detail and try and really understand the purpose of your surroundings is basically the trick to understanding the different type of moods. I’ve came to the same coffee shop for years now, the shop is super easy to find it’s called Copper Star Coffee and you can find it North of 7th avenue. Never have I really took the time to sit down and try and understand what it is about the way it makes me feel that I find so comforting. As is sit in the shop observing my surroundings, I notice the little things that give off so much, like the type of music playing, the tone
But, for some reason this didn’t stop me from wanting to make homemade Christmas cookies. I had it all planned out. I took all of the ingredients out and laid them on the counter. I carefully followed the instructions and did everything exactly as it said. I made sure my teaspoons and tablespoons were right.
Cadbury was originally founded by John Cadbury where he started a stall at Birmingham in 1824. John Cadbury retailed handmade cocoa and drinking chocolate which were produced by using a pestle and a mortar. As tea, caffeine, cocoa and drinking chocolate were deemed beneficial when compared to alcohol, John Cadbury was certain on establishing the production of his company on a viable scale and John Cadbury purchased a four-story warehouse for his production to take place. As a result, John Cadbury has successfully produced more than 10 assortments of drinking chocolate and 11 different cocoas by 1842.
Like many others, the chocolate chip cookie brings back memories from my childhood. One of my favorites is running into my grandmother’s house after chasing my dogs around outside and being greeted by the warmth and aroma of freshly baked cookies in the oven. Even nowadays, when I enter her house, the sweet smell fills the air and I leave any bitterness, frustration, or sadness that I may have at the door. All across the Internet, there are many chocolate chip cookie recipes that claim to have perfected the art of this American classic. Some of them are pretty delicious to be perfectly honest, but none of them taste quite as heavenly as the ones that are made with my grandmother’s love.