Personal Narrative: The Seven Debtly Sins

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Can money actually buy happiness? I believe that money cannot buy happiness itself, but in fact, when people are not struggling with money in their life they have less stress and are happier. Therefore, if I want to be happy in life then I need to get out of my bad habits with money and get into better ones. Jason Anthony and Karl Chick are to the rescue, to help me repent my evil sins. In their book, Debt Free by 30, they describe seven of the most typical ways that young people wind up in debt, calling them “The Seven Debtly Sins”. They give personal examples, a slap to the face with reality, and ways to fix the financial sins. I am a sinner and have fallen victim to three of these sins. The three sins I am most guilty of committing are the fourth, the fifth, and the seventh debtly sins, because I pretend I am too busy to worry about money, I waste money, and my social life rules my money. These sins I commit were probably picked up some time in my childhood. Being that I have lived in a family who had money problems my whole life, I can use my father to learn …show more content…

I will fix these by setting financial goals for myself that I will work on. Before I move out and am on my own, I will learn to budget my money and balance my checkbook, making them both habits. This should eliminate my problem with pretending to be too busy to worry about money by incorporating my budgeting into my everyday life. I will stop wasting money on pointless items and save for things I actually need,to combat my second problem with wasting money. I will also start saying to going out with friends every single time, so that I can save and am able to say yes to times that I really want to go out. With these financial goals in mind, I will make sure that I never fall back into my bad habits with money and will repent my evil ways and stop committing the debtly