Personal Narrative: The Squamish Chief Mountain

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I always endeavour to achieve my goals be it short-term or long-term. I had decided to climb the Squamish Chief Mountain, in spite of the fact that I was not notably athletic and rather petrified of heights. The journey was initially endurable, however, that quickly changed as I struggled my way through the enormous rock formations. At one point, I stumbled over an exposed root and tumbled down a rocky hillside. My knees and palms were scraped and suddenly a rush of fear consumed me. I was afraid to continue yet my encouraging peers were both physically and emotionally supportive of me so I persevered. I motivated myself to reach the First Peak and did this by executing a series of goals. I started with an achievable goal of simply transitioning to each successive checkpoint and slowly I reached my ultimate destination, the top of the …show more content…

By doing this along with my peers’ help, I knew I could not fail. Every checkpoint I passed, I gained more momentum and immersed myself in optimistic thoughts. More importantly, I visualized the sense of pride I would feel once I got to see the view from the top. I slowly worked my way up the mountain by climbing several metal ladders and clenched tightly to the metal chains. When I finally made it, I was bursting with pride and was rewarded with the breathtaking view that I had long dreamt of. From this hiking trip, I realized that as long as I attempted and made an effort to achieve my goal, I could not fail because I am an optimistic individual. I always view my first attempts as a learning experience. At the end of the day, I was proud of myself for attempting my first daunting