
Personal Narrative-The Yellow Wallpaper

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It was a dark stormy night as I drove home from work. I was taking a long winding road with many curves and no lights. I had seen the speed limit but I didn’t care I just wanted to get home. I thought that if i had made it through the other curves at this speed I would be fine. Later to come find out I would not be fine. The suggested speed was 35 while i was doing 65 and not paying attention just blaring my music shutting the world out. I was coming up to a sharp right and then sharp left turn and I had made the sharp right but I forgot i had to go left. I tried to turn at the last second but it was too late I hydroplaned across the road into the ditch and rolling over. Thats the last thing I remember before blacking out. This was not a road that many …show more content…

I open the second door slowly as it creaks really loud and I start to go inside. I hear something moving across the floor and I look across it is just a couple of mice looking for something to eat. The inside of the house is almost as bad as the outside. The wallpaper is peeling of the furniture that is left is strewn around and the pictures are knocked off the wall shattered on the ground. It looks like somebody had just upped and moved one day for no apparent reason. To my right is the living room so I walk in here to see if the phone is in here as I turn the corner I see the light switch so I flip it and the lights come on. I thought weird the power is still on so it could not have been too long ago they had left. I go look beyond the furniture which is scattered across the room and the t.v. is on just playing the same show over and over. I think weird someone has defiantly been here lately. So I turn around and start walking out when I can hear a faint voice in the distance saying that I should not be in the house. I walk back into the main entrance and Go left into the room where the stairs are

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