
Personal Narrative: Vacation In Aruba

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Sun shining, birds singing, sand glistening. One would never imagine having to face his greatest fear in paradise. Vacationing in Aruba was like experiencing a paradise until snuba caught my eye. Snuba is a mixture of scuba diving and snorkeling. It’s the whole package, but with one trip to the ocean. “Do you want to go for Snuba, Ashrey?” my mom asked in a worried tone. I felt going underwater for over an hour, with dangerous creatures ravaging through the deep sea, was very frightening. While my mom was waiting for the answer she was spending time with my sister, Mahanya, making sand castles. The sky slowly faded from a faint white to a turquoise blue. After making my mind, I dragged my dad to the sign up sheet for snuba, and joined the group …show more content…

I crept slowly into the cold, bone chilling, water. The instructor used various hand motions to signal us to move further deep into the water. The hand motions are very important underwater since it is very hard to communicate. A vertical right hand meant to stop and a horizontal one meant to move forward. He strapped an oxygen mask on each person. I almost looked like the masked man with a chainsaw in a horror movie. I don’t want to this, I know I don’t. Why did I even agree to doing this? Thoughts ravaged through my head just like the butterflies in my stomach.
I dove in, hands wrapped around my back, legs as straight as a stick. The beautiful scenery captured my eyes immediately. Beautiful, glistening corals were deep beneath, multicolored fish scurrying. The bubbles coming out of my mask reflected all the different colors of the ocean directly onto my face. It was underwater heaven. I saw my partners scurrying around in the turquoise blue water. We touched the corals, and many of the old artifacts that lay beneath us. Our teacher took amazing pictures of us, through his blue waterproof camera. I swam around in disbelief that I would have the nerves to attempt something as daring as this. I peeked above the water waving to my parents to let them I’m doing fine. During the adventure, we went 10 feet below sea level, and that is when the immense pressure kicked in. It felt like my ears were going to burst, and my legs were in a knot. I quickly swam up, so the pressure levels. After a while of admiring the spectacular scenery underwater, each one of us swam toward the shore. The adventure was

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