Personal Narrative: Why Actions Speak Barrier Than Words

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Have you ever been bullied? Do you realize what hurts is what they do but not what they say? Their actions are the ones that you will remember over and over in your head. That is why actions speak louder than words. Picture a freshman in high school (fishie aka the bottom of the food tank), being humiliated in front of everyone. He is there thinking that the juniors like him. He is just a boy that tries hard to fit in, he doesn 't have anywhere else to go. One day, he gets called by a junior, doesn 't recall his name he asks him if he wanted to sit with them, so he hits with them,but then they pin him to the wall and start calling him names. The name calling doesn 't hurt as much as what they did after. They started hitting him,as if he were a dummy. They looked bad doing that to him. He came to me after that had happened , and he couldn 't believe as to why they would do such a …show more content…

Everything I said happened to me but I am a girl and this did happen only not here. It is devastating having to remind yourself about that day because their actions hurt. How they had pinned me to the wall, screamed at your face. Everyday as I go to lunch , I think to myself " Why are people like this? Why did I ever agree to sit with them?" In that moment everything is different ; their actions are the worst thing to be replayed in your head , knowing you were the high school joke. My advice to you is ' don 't be that kid that gets pushed or the one that pushes. ' Your actions will be the ones they remember, don 't let it be