Personal Narrative: Why I M Pregnant In Prison

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As they told me I was pregnant I couldn’t believe it I was upset and as well thrilled with the news, I kept telling them that I couldn’t be pregnant and that was certain that I wasn’t I was surprised. I felt a rush of excitement and sadness cross my mind, there were so many questions to be answered that keep running through my mind but one continually was coming back to me was the thought of ‘how everyone would think of me’ knowing that I’m pregnant in prison, that’s is due to get hung for the crime that I have not committed, to think about what they would say and think about me. I started fearing for the worse for the baby and my own life ‘if they make me give the baby up for them to hang’ or in 9 months from now, as soon as I give birth for them to snatch the baby away, either way I’ll be irritated and devastated, but knowing that one day it will come and I’ll have to give it up and let them take me life as they have done to others that have not done wrong. …show more content…

Or will she or he be taken away and then therefor I’ll be hung? If John and I were to be in its life, we would have to confess to a crime, we haven’t committed and have everything we worked for and built ripped from underneath us to restart again. If we do not confess, who would be left to look after the baby and care for it as it grows in age? Would Ruth and the two boys help raise it together or will it be put up for adoption who knows? If only John knew I was pregnant, maybe he would confess to the crime and so would I. He would come back to me and wouldn’t have to be pushed away and have an affair with a child which was partially my fault by pushing him away, with doing that we would be able to start a new chapter in our life with a miracle baby, that we weren’t able to have before and have a happy family at