Personal Relationships In The Kite Runner

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The personal relationships that occur amongst the characters in The Kite Runner creates a basic foundation for the novel. Specifically, the relationship between Baba and Amir versus the one between Ali and Hassan share similarities along with a number of differences. On the surface, comparing the two relationships sounds impossible, but after looking at the picture as a whole rather than focusing on the details, several similarities have come to light. One of the first and most obvious correlations, regards fact that both Amir and Hassan lack a mother figure throughout the novel. The two friends not only share the struggle of having one parent, but time later reveals that they also share the same father. Discovering this leaves Amir feeling completely betrayed, “How could you hide this from me? From him?” (Housseini 223), reacting in a fairly predictable manner. Because of this, Amir and Hassan naturally form a dependency on their fathers, allowing the boys to relate to one and other on a deeper, more personal level. From that, a point of similarity presents itself that connects Baba and Ali. The two men share the battle of raising their sons with little to no help. In a sense, Baba and Ali exist in the same position, allowing them feel for one and other. Although the two men may express their feelings in opposite manners, Baba and Ali mirror each other in terms of the loyalty and unconditional love they show for their children. Evidence of this comes out when Ali takes a