Personal Statement

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I remember clearly the first moment I was drawn to the art of motion-picture photography, cinematography. I was ten years old and with my mother watching the film Jurassic Park for the first time. The film fascinated me. I quickly became curious about how the dinosaurs were brought to life, made so real, through the visual effects. I wanted to know more. My mother took the time to play the behind the scenes clips of how the film was made. I was amazed to discover the role of art in developing movies. Since then, I explored and researched the impact of art in creating movies, which lead me to discover the world of animation. I became infatuated with Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, and Studio Ghibli films, and they continue to inspire me as …show more content…

Yet I realized I needed more, a real world experience with art. I was fortunate to attend the Academy of Art University summer program in San Francisco, California. I received hands on experience with equipment and worked with teachers who were involved in the industry. It was one of the best experiences I ever had. I took character design and animation classes which made me more passionate about the path I want to follow. Having the opportunity to live in San Francisco, I was immersed in the culture of the city, learned more about the world I live in, thus obtaining insight into new worlds and stories that I could bring to life. Living abroad in Italy and attending SACI, not only will expand my craft as an artist but also enrich my personal experiences in a culture that is vibrant, full of romance, and passion. All which I feel I need to become a more creative and established artist with new ideas to develop my own stories. I strongly believe that the program at SACI will enhance my core in art, help me build a strong portfolio that will help me attend the college of my choice, and come back home motivated and determined to compete in the competitive global industry of