Personal Statement

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Throughout my college career, I have gone many different directions, from Pre-Physical Therapy to Business and finally made it to Environmental Science. Since a little girl, I have always been fascinated by what makes up nature and finding ways to help the environment which fostered me towards Environmental Science. I have always had compassion and an interest in ecology and learning how why things are the way they are. Hence, I have been passionate how to protect our world today. Therefore, once I found the Environmental and Sustainability Studies program at Tennessee Technological University, I knew that I was in the right place. At the beginning of my college journey, I was lost on what I wanted to do for my career and my grades began to decline dramatically. After finding the Environmental Studies program my drive for school increased extremely and my grades skyrocketed. I knew I was in the right place. During my time at TTU, I have taken many …show more content…

Firstly, being a member and the Social Media Chair of the Tennessee Tech’s Sustainable Campus Committee has gotten me involved by helping make environmental improvements that benefit the campus as a whole. Secondly, being president of TTU’s Habitat for Humanity Club made me grow more personally and get more involved in the community. And lastly being a co-founder and historian for the Evergreen Society has combined getting more involved in the community and also educating the students on environmental issues. Being in these roles, I believe that it has expanded my ability for being a future leader in a sustainability role. I feel furthering my education and knowledge in science will be beneficial to my future career, being able to expand my knowledge will lead me in the right direction. Extending my knowledge in sustainability will tie the loose ends to my undergraduate