Personal Statement: Make-A-Wish Foundation

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Only 1 person out of 175 million people win the lottery.When I won $250,000,that was more than I would have ever have expected to win.Winning the lottery is a once in a lifetime opportunity you can’t forget.After winning the $250,000,I chose to spend it on a golden hoverboard, a trip to London,England,and making a donation to Make-A-Wish foundation. With the $250,000, I bought a very futuristic golden hoverboard.The golden hoverboard is a very fascinating item.The thing about hoverboards’ is that they are not very expensive.The hoverboard was only $394.99,and It came along with a hoverboard cover and earbuds. Some fascinating features that are included are, LED lights on the base,allows you to spin 30-50 degrees,doesn’t cause pollution,weighs only 26 pounds,and has high power motors with 500 watts.I’ve always wanted to buy a hoverboard because it would make my life so much easier.When …show more content…

Make-A-Wish doesn’t just help kids with cancer.They help kids with heart diseases,Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy,leukemia,and organ transplants.I can’t imagine how the parents of those sick kids feel knowing that their child is in pain.Donating this money will give me closure and keep me in peace because I know i’m putting a smile on someone’s face.The money i’m donating will help make a dream come true for a children who deserve the

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