Personal Statement On Dispositions

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Dispositions Looking back at my Disposition survey, I realize that I don’t feel as proficient as I thought in all of these descriptors. In my classroom I am open to learning more about my content and my field. I recognize that I don’t know everything about my content and field, so I work daily to become smarter about what I teach. As I learn new things, I often change my plans to fit the most up-to-date learning that I have gained. I also adjust my plans if I feel my students need more instruction. I am always willing to do what will help my student grow. With that being said, there are several areas in which I need to grow as a teacher. First I need to help motivate my students to identify their strengths. I always tell my students what I …show more content…

At my school the use of data folders helps our students do that. By the end of this semester, I want to help my students identify two areas in English in which they are strong. Many of my students hate English because they can’t pass the STAAR test, so I want to help them find things they’re good at in English to help boost their confidence. I also want to work harder to foster a positive learning climate for my students. While I do my best to make the climate a friendly and safe environment, I need to do a better job of showing my student how to treat each other civilly. At the beginning of partner and group work assignments, I will model for students how to interact positively with each other during these types of assignments. I’ve realized that some of my student’s behavior is due to lack of knowledge. If I expect my student to treat each other kindly and respectfully, I have to provide a model for how that …show more content…

I choose topics for reading that students can identify with and give writing topics that students can elaborate on. I give surveys to my students to determine how they learn and what they want to learn about. This helps me give my students instruction that caters to their needs. One of the things I need to improve on is my knowledge of content. English is a content that seems to never stop growing and it is up to me to keep up with the new trends. Each PLC meeting, I plan to ask questions of more seasoned teachers to help increase my knowledge of English content. Once I get this information, I will use it to reflect on my work and make improvements. In order to continue improving as a teacher, I plan to reflect at the end of each week on the things that have worked and haven’t worked with my students. I will make improvements on my work and better serve my students. My main goal is to improve as a teacher, so while doing so I plan to share my findings with other teachers and collaborate with them. I feel like discussing ideas and findings with other teachers will only help me get better at what I