
Personal Statement Sample For Thesis

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Statement of authorship I certify that this dissertation is my own work and contains no material, which has been accepted for the award of any degree or diploma in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the dissertation. Signed _________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________________ Table of content Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1 History of the Holocaust……………………………………………………………………………….................... 1 I survived by Ariel Yahalomi………………………………………………………………………….................... 1 …show more content…

Historians tends to talk about the death toll numbers and not the quantity of survivors. The people who survived this horrific genocide will be analysed using 3 pieces of art which are made by or made in the name of these people. In this essay, The Holocaust history will be retold as well as a thorough analysis of ‘I survived’ by Ariel Yahalomi, ‘The pianist’ by Roman Polanski and The Yad vashem holocaust memorial museum building by Moshe Safdie. From a personal point of view, it is very interesting to examine, study and link post-holocaust art with the lives of the Jewish people that went through this horrific act of discrimination and racism from a survivor’s point of view and “rebirth” of their life. History of the Holocaust The Holocaust was a genocide committed by the Nazi regime during the Second World War against Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and African descendants in most of the European …show more content…

This book embodied all his anti-Semitic ideas, the idea of superiority of a “pure” German race and the prediction of a world war which would result in a total Jewish extermination. Hitler seizes power of Germany in 1933 and it’s not until 1938 were the first mass hostilities against the German Jews is seen. “The night of the broken glass” or Kristallnacht during this night of November, Jewish shops, synagogues and houses were burned, making Kristallnacht the starting point of what we know today as the Jewish holocaust. A letter from Hermann Goering to Reinhard Heydrich (both high officials in the Nazi regime) dated July 31, 1941 mentioned the need to a ‘final solution’ for the ‘Jewish question’ which began on the last months of the same year were all the Jews secluded in the different ghettos were sent to concentration camps spread around Europe. In this camps, the fit prisoners were obliged to work while the sick, old, weak or too young to work were sent directly to die. These mass murders occurred until May 8, 1945 with the end of World War

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