Personal Statement: Southwest Community College

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Malcolm X said, “ Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” The meaning of this quote is that if you have education and you go to school and learn you will have a better future. If you prepare yourself now and learn, tomorrow you would become better person. Without of knowledge you cannot accomplish anything.I decided to college so I can became better person tomorrow. The three primary reason I chose Southwest Community College are Free tuition,To gain knowledge, and to get better job. The first of the three primary reason I chose to attend Southwest Community College is a cause of free tuition. Now days, a price for a four year college is nearly double or more than of a community college. When the first time I heard of Tennessee Promise I was surprised because, they said they will pay for your first two year at any community college, so I said to myself I’m going to Southwest Community College. Everyone likes free stuff so I said why not go there for two year and transfer to University of Memphis and graduate from there. In 2013 about 70 percent of the graduates left college with an average of $28,400 in debt according to U.S. News. This mean I have to work my first year and half of what I make would …show more content…

Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” To clarify He saying that if you have education and you are intelligent person you can use that knowledge to change the world. People with knowledge tend to make better career decisions than the other people who, unfortunately, did not attend college . College is the best place to gain knowledge because, it has a lot of diversity. For example, a divers selection of ethnicity, background ,and culture . Everyday,there is greater chance to gain knowledge from all of your professors. However, knowledge can also be attained from your class