Personal Statement: Sustainability To Infinity, And Beyond !

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===start 9/5/2014 9:37 AM, submit 9/5/2014 5:08 PM
Newsletter Article for Oct 2014
Sustainability…to Infinity… and Beyond!
Doug Hopper, Aggie Village Community Pride Coordinator

We all know how important it is to plan for the future. When we plan the use of our resources, it sets up for a means for success, and that is both comforting and reassuring to our well-being. Part of that planning is to ensure a future in which everyone will be happy to live. That is why keeping a mindset of sustainability is so valuable to us all.

When I took a course a couple years ago, GES580 Global Environmental Sustainability, my interest in both conservation and sustainability was rekindled. …show more content…

Interacting with residents at the Aggie Gardens promotes understanding and teaching of our children the many facets of producing our own food and composting waste, while interacting with the competing aspects of nature such as weather, geese, deer, and natural predators. Maintaining apartment gardens also provides great opportunities to interact with our surroundings and culture a pleasant living area. There are programs in place to reuse and recycle many items at our living areas, and CSU has a composing program for residence hall that provided compost to Aggie Gardens this year. On a personal note, we each can ride our bikes (or use the Fort Collins and Apartment Life Bike Library program: talk to Office Staff, or see, walk, take the Transfort/Max bus, or carpool when possible locally instead of driving. Thrift stores like Once Again Thrift (on College Ave. near Whole Foods and King Soopers) provide a means to both purchase needed items, and donate items that still have a useful life beyond our own needs. Though we can support local CSU events as RAM fans, we also can increase appreciation for the environment through local hikes or biking along Spring Creek Trail or near Horsetooth and Arthur’s Rock. Most of these ideas will save you money as well, though may cost a bit in time, yet in the