Personal Statement: The 7 Habits Profile

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The 7 Habits Profile is a measurement scale of someone’s leadership and his or her effectiveness. After completing the exercise and calculating the various categories, I scored on average between thirteen and sixteen points per section. The category I scored lowest in was category 8 determining y ability to listen. I already have been told by many that I am easy to talk to. I need more practice not letting my mood get in the way of being open to ideas and suggestions. I have noticed that I can have a short fuse at times and even a little bit of an attitude if something upsets or annoys me. I need to learn how not to allow a bad day or bad mood to affect my ability to listen. Equally important when interacting with others is body language. …show more content…

Caring, encouraging, motivating, developing and supporting their employees are all qualities necessary in a good leader. I am proud to say that these are all qualities I possess and practice in my everyday nursing. Helping them make a delivery table, running in to help if their delivery isn’t going well, and calling a physician for them if they can’t leave their patient’s bedside; these are all examples highlighting those characteristics . My challenge is to now use what I already do in my daily practice and apply it to leading others. Many successful relationship-based leaders possess these characteristics and use them as a glue to bond people together. One of the most important traits for a relationship leader is humor. Someone who can poke fun at themselves, not take themselves too seriously and who are naturally funny will make employees attitudes a little more cooperative when difficult situations arise. A great sense of humor creates a lighthearted atmosphere rather than adversarial. A smile goes a long way and laughing always breaks the ice. A boss that can find humor in various situations makes staff feel more at home, and more comfortable with their