Personalised Care In Health And Social Care Essay

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Personalised care is when people receive individualised care and have a say in how their care is organised and provided. It is based on their preferences, as well as their specific needs and strengths. As a result, this helps to change the relationship between service users, professionals, and the health and care system. This allows service users to have a voice, be heard, and feel connected to one another and their communities because of this beneficial shift in power and decision-making. Connecting services around the individual, such as health, social care, public health, and wider services, this aids in adopting a whole-systems approach. It offers an all-age approach that addresses both physical and emotional wellness. Additionally, it …show more content…

This is beneficial for the patient because it gives them the confidence and skills, they need to manage their own health and participate equally in decision-making with professionals. It also enables them to build on their strengths and feel supported as they pursue the goals that are important to them.

Personalised care and supporting

It is a crucial way of involving a person's use of all the services they access so they have a holistic plan that meets their demands for health and wellbeing. This increases the chance of successfully supporting someone as they are valued as active contributors and experts in the planning and management of their own health and wellbeing. This ensures the outcomes and solutions developed have meaning for the person in the context of their entire life. (NHS England, 2016)

Enabling choice, including legal rights to …show more content…

Also, it would benefit people with long-term mental and physical health problems to gain knowledge, skills, and confidence and live well with health issues.

This highlights the importance of partnership for example the working between the nurse and person in achieving a joined-up approach, is important because it helps both to take accurate actions through discussions which would aid faster recovery chances in a case of heart attack, for example, reduces the chance of any medical errors or misunderstandings in relation to symptoms or their needs. Therefore, working together would increase patient trust/satisfaction and help them be more aware of their health so they can manage it when they are unable to access any service due to any barriers such as geographical. The partnership would also benefit the nurse as it would allow her to provide the best standard of care by involving her patient at every step, which would increase her confidence and help her professional development. (NHS England,