Persuasive Essay

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Munching on a Hershey’s bar or drinking a coke may be a part of a normal lunch for many students, but they have harmful long-term consequences. “16 states have recently adopted school nutrition policies” (Codey 1). Because nutritious foods are better for students, schools should sell only healthy meals to students. When children eat wholesome foods, they function better than those who do not. Studies show that “...children who eat a good breakfast every day learn better, behave better, and perform better in class than children who struggle with hunger” (5 Reasons you Should Care About School Food 1). A child’s nutrition affects how they learn in school. Eating healthier foods will affect a child’s conduct in the classroom, leading to better test scores. This could affect a child’s academic achievement, which helps a child’s future. Healthy eating fuels learning which can make some children have an advantage over others who do not eat as healthy. …show more content…

Scientists researched “... how differences in the amounts of fruits and vegetables that people ate as children affected their hearts 20 years later” (Park 1). This is just one example of how eating habits of children affect their lives in the future. It is vital to start eating healthier meals early on in one’s life, not only to prevent diseases, but to start healthy eating habits. Since schools are a place where students learn, students should be taught lifelong healthy eating habits that would most likely be carried on into their adult