
Persuasive Essay About Climate Change

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There is no doubt that climate change is a permanent process and its danger can increase every day. It is affecting various spheres of life and becomes a relevant problem for many European countries and, especially, for Austria, because the republic has many tourist places like ski resorts which directly depend on the temperature regime. Therefore, many people claim that special action should be taken due to the international laws and economic impact, but some scientists and political activists say that climate change is not an issue now, because the state has much more important problems and the resources needed for solving this question can be allo¬¬¬¬¬cated in a more beneficial way.
Climate change is a controversial topic as it does not …show more content…

It has strong economy, culture and political system with long-lasting traditions, most of the countries respect it, and, consequently, the republic will not violate any agreements, as it is stated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2018). Austria ratified different conventions and protocols: the Alpine Convention (1991), the Basel (1989), Rotterdam (1998) and Stockholm (2001) conventions which limits the use of chemicals; the Montreal Protocol (1987), aimed on recovery of the ozone layer; the Kyoto Protocol (1997) and the Paris Agreement (2015), controlling the global warming and CO2 emission (for example, some tax privileges for electric vehicles were introduced). All these contributes a lot to the management of the climate change, making it the ultimate goal. Moreover, according to Rupprechter (2017), climate change impacts are especially traced at the local level, and in order to cope with it, after the comprehensive analysis, a special Climate Change Adaptation Model Regions Programme was launched by the government and expresses the core concept. It is unique and allows to take a two-pronged approach, based on self-assessment and cataloging of indicators and solutions. Therefore, the republic is an active supporter of all agreements, conventions and even enforces some self-made laws with the hope to make citizens better and

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