Persuasive Essay About Going To College

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Education in America, it seems like whenever you hear about it, it is always about a 14-year old that has graduated from college, or about some of the big universities like Harvard. But when you read about The First Lady encouraging and almost demanding young people to pursue a higher education than a high school diploma. Then you can not help but to think that something is wrong. The First Lady mentions, when she is talking at the Veterans Day Observance, that “You all are going to need some form of higher education in order to build a good career for yourselves and be able to provide for your family”. But how true is that actually? Do you really need to graduate to college to get a successful career? And what would be considered as success in todays standards?

One of the first questions I would like to answer, is from a statement made by Michelle Obama. “You all are going to …show more content…

My question is, are we really meant to believe that going to college is a necessity if you want to not only be successful, but to be able to provide for your family? Well I decided to look up some facts about how much you actually earn in your life with a high school diploma, and how much you earn with a college degree. The first picture in the article actually shows how much you would expect someone with different educations would earn during their lifetime. And if you look at the unemployment rate and lifetime earnings of a high school graduate, you will see that the unemployment rate is really high and the lifetime earnings is really low. And if you look at the higher degrees like a Bachelor’s degree you