Most schools in the United States promoted college or university as a student's only option upon graduating from high school. But is college really a necessary to be a literate individual who obtains a decent paying job? In the article "Are Too Many People Going to College?," author Charles Murray claims that in fact too many people are attending college today. Murray argues that college isn't necessary nor is it realistic for every person. Murray's claims that to be a literate American you should need nothing more than a basic kindergarten through twelfth-grade education. Additionally, Murray claims that money isn't the only important aspect to consider when deciding to go to college, but that "the topic is no longer money but job satisfaction" (Murray 248). Murray discusses how money …show more content…
Murry discusses the need for students to learn the core essentials of American culture, history, and language. These essentials should begin to be taught early on in a student's elementary education. Beginning to educate younger students as soon as kindergarten is an advantage because smaller children find learning more enjoyable than older students will. Murray argues that college shouldn't be necessary to be literate. A kindergarten through twelfth-grade education should be able to teach the students everything they need to be a literate American. College is great but education systems shouldn't wait until college to finish teaching the students what they need to be literate Americans within society. Murray creates a good argument for teaching the core essentials in K-12 curriculum. A high school diploma should set a person up to be a productive person in society nothing more, nothing less. College should be a choice but not something that everyone has to obtain to be successful. Granted different people define success