
Persuasive Essay About Obama

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Obamacare: If you like your president you can keep him As President Obama remains accused of broken promises, an interesting irony is developing. Every meaningful comment regarding Obamacare can be applied to Obama himself. The policy represents the heart of Obama’s beliefs. He takes criticism of his policies personally because he and his policies are inseparable. If his policies succeeded, it would be a personal validation of everything Obama. Therefore, failed policies are only the surface. Obama’s very core is on the line. Take the policy promise, replace it with the person, and observe the results. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep it.”51 If you like your president, you can keep him. …show more content…

Questions about his beliefs were dismissed as partisanship, allowing Americans to invest in a completely blank slate of hope and change. Obamacare is working. These people think Obama is successful. After all, catastrophic failure is now known as moving in the right direction. Endless foul-ups are slow, steady progress. Obamacare is settled law and constitutional. So is Obama. Legally he is in charge. That does not mean he is moral, ethical, competent or wise. Winning an election reflects an ability to campaign, not govern. Just because the website failed does not mean Obamacare itself failed. Just because Obamacare failed does not mean Obama himself failed. Just because Obama failed does not mean liberalism itself failed. Actually, yes it does. Dissenters are free to name a single big-government program that has ever worked as intended and fulfilled its promises. At this Ideological Lunacy point liberals pick other failed programs and declare them successes because they say so. Obama supposedly had no idea that the website was incredibly flawed. Liberal voters had no idea that Obama was incredibly flawed.

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