King Vs Burwell Case Study

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In the King v. Burwell case, the challengers had a point. Subsidies should be decided by the each state. But, in my opinion, I think the government will always be right. I believe the subsidies for health insurance was an act of kindness, and even though it is costly, it is helping out our country a lot.
They say the law should be called “SCOTUS care” instead of Obama Care, because the Supreme Court decided it, and not Obama. The Supreme Court made the decision for the world. There will be times when people think the government is wrong and people have the right to their own opinions, but once again, the government will always win. Yes, the costs will be reduced if states chose to have Obama care or not because some states don’t support it. I don’t think it’s fair …show more content…

But, I still believe, as an individual, that it is effective for the people. It has helped lots of Americans, hospitals, and physicians. I think I would’ve sided with the majority because, in the end, all states qualified but those with exchanges were decided by the state.
The majority one, everyone won. It worked out in the end for everyone, not much changed, but the exchanges. People are entitled to have their own opinions. Some people cannot afford health insurance and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has truly helped with this problem. So, the Supreme
Court’s decision is fair and kind. There are certain coverage and tax credit requirements to be eligible for
Obama Care. Many people who don’t qualify become furious and are completely against it. People who get it, some are actually thankful and grateful, and those are the ones who deserve to be helped. Some people just don’t have the money for health insurance. Some people have very bad health and need intensive treatment and it is hard when they can’t afford it. The world needs more random acts of kindness like this one. Maybe the government should spend more on things like this to ensure