Persuasive Essay About Overfishing

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Overfishing occurs when more fish are caught compared to the number that’s being reproduced. The negative effects of this act impairs the the balance in the ecosystem and people in that area that depends on fish as primary food and economic source. There are many reasons why overfishing continue to be a problem one of which are “open access”. The worlds oceans goes on for miles and there are no or hardly any property rights in place for fishermen to leave a certain amount of fish in the water. Poor fishing management is also a reason, there are government regulations set in place but they aren't as strict like they should be. Illegal fishing also has an account because it is not regulated or reported. Illegal fishing occur everywhere whether it is national or internationally.It is estimated that illegal fishing accounts for 20 percent of the world’s catch. Activities like this occur everyday in the coral triangle. …show more content…

The Coral Triangle provide a home to more than 30 percent of the world’s coral reefs which is 75 percent known species. In addition to coral it has half of the world’s seagrass and marine mollusks species along with 75 percent known mangrove species.The Coral Triangle is the most diverse marine region of the planet. The coral triangle is home to seven species of turtles and over 2,000 species of fish. With a population reaching over 120 million people the coral reef provide food, income from tourism and protection from storms. 85 percent of the reefs in the coral triangle is being threatened by human activity such as overfishing and destructive

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