Persuasive Essay Against Abortion

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Abortion is an incredibly heavily debated topic because the issues being debated have no definitive answer, as most of the debates on the topic consist of philosophical or moral arguments. There is vast debate over whether or not an unborn child is a life/when the unborn child becomes a life, and then whether or not this unborn child is a person under the constitution. Along a similar subject, there is also debate of which rights take priority. What makes Abortion such a disputed topic is that all of these issues tie into each other, and even people with same same mindset can’t always agree on every single aspect of their side’s argument, causing intrasectional dispute as well. Despite all of this heavy dispute, it should be said with confidence that Abortion should be legal in all cases, at least up to 20 weeks. …show more content…

The Charlotte Lozier institute states that “A Human Being is composed of human cells, proteins, RNA and DNA, classifying it as human”. Using these parts is used universally to categorize organisms, and humans are no exceptions”. It’s believed that this system should be used for humans as well. In addition to this, a fetus is physically able to to survive outside of the womb just over halfway through the pregnancy. This is called Fetal viability. The modern approximation for when a fetus becomes viable is placed at a rough 21 weeks, as these fetus’ have a higher survivability rate outside the womb. If they were killed at this time outside of the womb, it would be considered murder, so why allow it if it’s not