Persuasive Essay Against Abortion

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In an ideal world there would be no horrible diseases, no crimes, no suffering. Unfortunately, this world is far from ideal and people are confronted with life changing challenges and decisions. One such difficult and controversial decision faced by many women today is abortion. While people choose abortion for different reasons, there seems to be no chance for a compromise between those who support it and those who are against it. The reality is that whether or not abortion is legal, a woman in a desperate situation will find another way to have an abortion. For example, some women may resort to finding a corrupt doctor, going abroad, or even self abortion. Instead of pushing women into more dangerous options, there needs be a gray area in …show more content…

Wade. The decision “overturned all state laws restricting women's access to abortions during the first trimester [ first three months] of pregnancy and let stand second-trimester restrictions only insofar as they were designed to protect the health of pregnant women ” (“Roe v. Wade”). This case widened the divide between those who support the legalization of abortion (also referred to as pro-choice) and the opponents (referred to as pro-life). The foundation of pro-choice advocates is the notion that denying a woman the choice of abortion is a way of telling her what to do with her body and ultimately violates her constitutional rights. Conversely, pro-life advocates believe that human life begins at the moment of conception, when sperm fertilizes the egg, and from that moment on a fetus is a human being entitled to the same moral and legal status as a pregnant woman. For this reason, a majority of people who are pro-life go as far as calling abortion murder. In order to fully understand the controversy over abortion, it is important to learn the medical and statistical facts and not be conditioned by the biased opinions of …show more content…

However, the opposing views of each side clash when a pregnancy becomes involved. Most pro-life supporters believe that even though the baby is the result of a heinous crime, it is as much of a victim as the woman and should not have to bear the punishment of losing its life. While it is true that the unborn baby is a victim, one must consider if it is fair for a woman to be forced to carry on with a pregnancy that she obviously did not intend and that could possibly cause her more emotional turmoil. If the woman were to carry on with the pregnancy there is a chance that when the baby is born she will be unable to love it and see it as her own. The child will be neglected and will grow up with the harsh reality that it is unwanted. Furthermore, in the unfortunate case of young girl being raped, could she really be expected to give birth and care for a baby. Some might say that the baby could be put up for adoption but they do no think of the nine hard months that the young girl will have to endure. She will be ashamed to go to school and could possibly fall into a deep depression. In such a sensitive case, a rape victim should be given the choice of

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